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Applying State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Personalized Healthcare

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs

Accelerating progress in personalized healthcare requires learning the causal relationships between diseases, genes, treatments, medications, labs, and other clinical information – at scale over a large population and time range. More than half of the clinically relevant data in oncology is only found in free-text pathology reports, radiology reports, sequencing reports, and progress notes.

Extracting and normalizing these facts from these clinical documents requires training oncology-specific models that can accurately extract these specific facts from a variety of documents. This talk describes results and lessons learned, from a real-world project doing this at scale.

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs
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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs. Experienced Branding, Marketing Strategy and Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. For media inquiries: Ida Lucente John Snow Labs ida@johnsnowlabs.com

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