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Be a Part of the Healthcare AI Ecosystem

Technology Partners
Implementation Partners
John Snow Labs is a pivotal partner for Databricks, bringing AI to our Healthcare and Life Sciences customers by delivering domain-specific Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing technologies, which are transforming the industry.
Michael Sanky
Global Industry Lead, Healthcare & Life Sciences. Databricks

Why partner with John Snow Labs?

Access a broader market and reach new customers

Enhance your product portfolio

Joint customer engagements

Discounts on License and Services

Co-branded collateral & sales enablement

Integration support from our expert technical team

Training programs and certifications

Industry visibility and thought leadership

Joint ideation & solution development

Technology Partners

Turnkey integration through Partner Connect, Data & Models Marketplace, and Healthcare Solution Accelerators

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One-click deployment through AWS Marketplace, & integrations with SageMaker, EMR, and GLUE

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One-click deployment & integrations with Synapse, Databricks, Cognitive Services, and HDInsight

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One-click deployment through Oracle Cloud Marketplace, & optimized Healthcare LLM inference on GPU’s

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Launch partner for Snowpark Container Services, enabling private managed inference of medical NLP & LLM models

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Benefits and Challenges in de-identifying and linking unstructured medical records

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Healthcare NLP Speeds Up Automated Language Processing with Intel® AI Technologies

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Using Spark NLP to build a drug discovery knowledge graph for COVID-19

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Building Reproducible Evaluation Processes for Spark NLP Models

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Full data extraction, curation, and NLP services for the healthcare industry

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State-of-the-Art Clinical and Biomedical Natural Language Processing

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Beyond Context: Answering Deeper Questions by Combining Spark NLP and Graph Database Analytics

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Healthcare organizations are struggling with ROI for their AI/ML initiatives, as they often underestimate the cost of data, development and validation. Leveraging John Snow Labs’ pre-existing and proven models is an excellent way for organizations to accelerate research, reduce time to value and improve overall ROI.
Sridhar Turaga
Senior Vice President of Data Science and Consulting at CitiusTech

Implementation Partners

Using NLP to Improve Radiologist Productivity & Reduce Burnout

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Public Sector Solutions that put AI to good use with state-of-the-Art NLP for Healthcare, Finance and Legal

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Facilitating Adoption of Artificial Intelligence by Healthcare Organizations

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Partnering to deliver better healthcare AI & NLP in the public sector

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Delivering better AI & NLP to the US Government

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Partnering to deliver better healthcare NLP & Generative AI

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Certified implementation partners at scale for Spark NLP, Healthcare NLP, and Visual NLP

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Predictive Maintenance by Intelligent Mining of Manufacturing Incidents Using Spark NLP

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End-to-end implementation partners for Healthcare AI, NLP, and LLM in Brazil

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Apply to the Partner Program

The John Snow Labs Partner Program is designed for forward-thinking organizations that are eager to expand their market reach, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional value to their customers

Frequently Asked Questions

The Partner Program is designed to foster collaboration and mutual success by offering implementation consulting firms the opportunity to leverage John Snow Labs' NLP expertise, proven healthcare AI solutions, and sales and marketing resources to deliver exceptional value to their customers together.

The Partner Program is open to a range of organizations, including system integrators, implementation consulting firms, solution providers, and among others. We welcome organizations that are committed to excellence, collaboration, and delivering outstanding solutions to their customers.

The specific requirements for becoming a partner may vary based on your organization's profile and the nature of the partnership. Generally, we seek partners who align with our values, have relevant industry expertise, and demonstrate a commitment to customer success.

To apply for partnership, please fill out our partnership application form, which can be found on our website. Our team will review your application and follow up with you accordingly.

Partnership applications are carefully evaluated based on several factors, including the alignment of your organization's capabilities with our program objectives, potential synergies, and a commitment to delivering value to customers. The evaluation process will involve a discovery meeting.

Yes, there is a $6,000 partner fee that goes to training and marketing benefits.

Partners receive dedicated account management, technical guidance, training programs, enablement collateral and documentation.

Depending on the partnership agreement and specific requirements, partners can purchase a development license to customize or develop integration of John Snow Labs software into partner’s new or existing value-added packaged product to sell. John Snow Labs is an industry trusted brand for Healthcare NLP, and it should benefit partners to provide attribution.

The partnership could be promoted through various channels as appropriate, including our website, marketing campaigns, industry events, and joint marketing initiatives.

Yes, we provide data scientist training and onboarding support to our partners which includes regular certification product training, technical enablement, and sales and marketing support to ensure partners have the necessary knowledge and resources to effectively position, sell, and be the first line support to our joint solutions.
