Others titles
- US Offenses Reported during 2015
- US Crimes and Number of Offenses
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program US 2015
- Crime Reports
- United States Crime
- Crime Reported to Police
- Arrests by Region
Number of Arrests by US Regions 2015
This dataset shows the estimated rate of violent crime was 372.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the property crime rate was 2,487.0 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. The violent crime rate rose 3.1 percent compared with the 2014 rate, and the property crime rate declined 3.4 percent.
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The 2015 statistics show the estimated rate of violent crime was 372.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the property crime rate was 2,487.0 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants. The violent crime rate rose 3.1 percent compared with the 2014 rate, and the property crime rate declined 3.4 percent.
The rape figures in this dataset are aggregate totals of the data submitted based on both the legacy and revised Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions. Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes are offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
The UCR Program collects information on crimes reported by law enforcement agencies regarding the violent crimes of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, as well as the property crimes of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. (Although the FBI classifies arson as a property crime, it does not estimate arson data because of variations in the level of participation by the reporting agencies. Consequently, arson data are not included in the property crime estimate.) The program also collects arrest data for the offenses listed above plus 20 offenses that include all other crimes except traffic violations.
Prior to 2013, the FBI’s UCR Program collected rape data in the Summary Reporting System under the category “forcible rape.” In 2013, the program removed the term “forcible” from the title and revised the definition. The legacy UCR definition of rape is “The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.” The revised UCR definition of rape is “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
About this Dataset
Data Info
Date Created | 2016-07-13 |
Last Modified | 2016-09-22 |
Version | 2016.09.22 |
Update Frequency |
Annual |
Temporal Coverage |
2015 |
Spatial Coverage |
United States |
Source | John Snow Labs; U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation; |
Source License URL | |
Source License Requirements |
N/A |
Source Citation |
N/A |
Keywords | Crime Reports, United States Crime, Crime Reported to Police, Arrests by Region |
Other Titles | US Offenses Reported during 2015, US Crimes and Number of Offenses, Uniform Crime Reporting Program US 2015 |
Data Fields
Name | Description | Type | Constraints |
Type_Of_Offense_Charged | Type of Offense Charged | string | - |
United_States_Total_Arrest | Total Arrests in 2015 (12,706 agencies; population 246,947,242) | integer | level : Interval |
Arrest_Rate | Arrest Rate | integer | level : Ratio |
Northeast_Total_Arrest | Total Arrest in Northeast (3,093 agencies; population 44,262,090) | integer | level : Interval |
Northeast_Rate | Arrest Rate | integer | level : Ratio |
Midwest_Total_Arrest | Total Arrest in Midwest (3,149 agencies; population 48,363,834) | integer | level : Interval |
Midwest_Rate | Arrest Rate | integer | level : Ratio |
South_Total_Arrest | Total Arrests in South (4,578 agencies;population 84,603,838) | integer | level : Interval |
South_Rate | South Arrest Rate | integer | level : Ratio |
West_Total_Arrest | Total Arrests in South (1,886 agencies; population 69,717,480) | integer | level : Interval |
West_Rate | Arrest Rate | integer | level : Ratio |
Data Preview
Type Of Offense Charged | United States Total Arrest | Arrest Rate | Northeast Total Arrest | Northeast Rate | Midwest Total Arrest | Midwest Rate | South Total Arrest | South Rate | West Total Arrest | West Rate |
TOTAL | 8304874 | 3363 | 1242395 | 2807 | 1624037 | 3358 | 3070944 | 3630 | 2367498 | 3396 |
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter | 8533 | 4 | 1073 | 2 | 1543 | 3 | 3665 | 4 | 2252 | 3 |
Rape | 17504 | 7 | 3209 | 7 | 3819 | 8 | 5565 | 7 | 4911 | 7 |
Robbery | 73230 | 30 | 13998 | 32 | 11562 | 24 | 23928 | 28 | 23742 | 34 |
Aggravated assault | 288815 | 117 | 38662 | 87 | 43243 | 89 | 85726 | 101 | 121184 | 174 |
Burglary | 166609 | 68 | 23132 | 52 | 22653 | 47 | 58250 | 69 | 62574 | 90 |
Larceny-theft | 900077 | 365 | 147661 | 334 | 185039 | 383 | 358706 | 424 | 208671 | 299 |
Motor vehicle theft | 59831 | 24 | 6269 | 14 | 11788 | 24 | 16034 | 19 | 25740 | 37 |
Arson | 6802 | 3 | 1091 | 3 | 1162 | 2 | 1996 | 2 | 2553 | 4 |
Violent crime | 388082 | 157 | 56942 | 129 | 60167 | 124 | 118884 | 141 | 152089 | 218 |