Others titles
- Multilingual Terminologies Reports
- Anatomy Terminologies
- Medical Language
- Medical Terminologies
- Multilingual Medical Terminologies
- Terminology Projects
- Ehealth Multilingual Terminologies
- Language and Terminology
Psychiatry Medical Terminologies
This dataset contains the psychiatry multilingual medical terminologies which includes 915 items. The Ehealth Multilingual Terminologies were created by TERMCAT, the centre for terminology in the Catalan language.
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This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility – Automated Translation (CEF.AT) actions SMART 2014/1074 and SMART 2015/1091. TERMCAT is a public Catalan institution created in 1985 in order to ensure the development and integration of Catalan terminology for the preparation of terminological resources, standardization of terminology neologisms and advice on a regular and ongoing dialogue with users specialists.
Three precise categories of people are confronted with the complexity of medical language: physicians, patients and scientific translators. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for the implementation of a terminological tool that contributes to solve problems related to the opacity that characterizes communication in the medical field among its various actors.
Cercaterm is an automated service for online multilingual consultations of TERMCAT with over 230,000 terminology entries available to the public. Practitions can consult the terms standardized by the TERMCAT Supervising Council, terminology products published since 1985, information from the centre’s research projects, terms from consultations and projects in an advanced research phase, entries written by other entities and professionals and terminological criteria entries written by the centre.
The interface works as a multilingual thematic search engine which also enables terminology consultations of TERMCAT through a personalized service module. Within the Catalan domain, TERMCAT holds official responsibility for the standardization of new terms in the vocabularies of specialist fields. This entails work in two key areas:
– Approving Catalan forms for new terms that emerge in technical, scientific or humanities fields. These may be required because a new concept has no set name, or because the forms being used are linguistically or terminologically inadequate.
– Setting linguistic and terminological guidelines to assist people working on terminology projects and the development of language for specific purposes in Catalan.
About this Dataset
Data Info
Date Created | 2017-03-21 |
Last Modified | 2017-03-21 |
Version | 2017-03-21 |
Update Frequency |
Irregular |
Temporal Coverage |
N/A |
Spatial Coverage |
N/A |
Source | John Snow Labs; TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology; |
Source License URL | |
Source License Requirements |
Source Citation |
Keywords | Medical Terminologies, Multilingual Medical Terminologies, TERMCAT, Terminology Projects, Ehealth Multilingual Terminologies, Language and Terminology |
Other Titles | Multilingual Terminologies Reports, Anatomy Terminologies, Medical Language |
Data Fields
Name | Description | Type | Constraints |
Author | Name of the Author (TERMCAT, the centre for terminology in the Catalan language) | string | - |
Title | Title of the Terminology | string | - |
Number | Terminology Number | integer | level : Nominal |
Area_Topic | Topic area in the integrated care terminologies | string | - |
Denomination | Denomination terms used in the integrated domain | string | - |
Language | Type of language used in integrated terminologies | string | - |
Type | Type of Multilingual Terminologies created by TERMCAT | string | - |
Hierarchy | Hierarchy used in creating Multilingual Terminologies Reports | string | - |
Category | Category code used by the TERMCAT | string | - |
Definition | Detailed definition of the integrated care terminology | string | - |
Language2 | Secondary language type used in integrated terminology report | string | - |
Note | Special note related to Multilingual Terminologies | string | - |
Language3 | Third language type used in integrated terminology report | string | - |
Data Preview
Author | Title | Number | Area Topic | Denomination | Language | Type | Hierarchy | Category | Definition | Language2 | Note | Language3 |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | abreacci? | ca | principal | terme pral. | n f | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | abreacci?n | es | equivalent | terme pral. | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | abréaction | fr | equivalent | terme pral. | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | abreaction | en | equivalent | terme pral. | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | Abreagieren | de | equivalent | terme pral. | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 1 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | Abreaktion | de | equivalent | terme pral. | Descàrrega emocional que permet a un individu d'alliberar-se de l'afecte nociu lligat a un record traumàtic. | ca | L'abreacci? s'aconsegueix revivint l'experiència emocional del record. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 2 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | abrusament | ca | principal | terme pral. | n m | Model experimental segons el qual la repetida estimulaci?, elèctrica o qu?mica, de baixa intensitat de determinades zones del cervell pot provocar una sensibilitzaci? progressiva de l'estructura cerebral i generar convulsions i crisis comicials. | ca | L'abrusament, centrat inicialment en la gènesi de l'epilèpsia, permet explicar també determinats trastorns mentals, com ara el trastorn per estrès posttraumàtic. | ca |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 2 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | activaci?n propagada | es | equivalent | terme pral. | Model experimental segons el qual la repetida estimulaci?, elèctrica o qu?mica, de baixa intensitat de determinades zones del cervell pot provocar una sensibilitzaci? progressiva de l'estructura cerebral i generar convulsions i crisis comicials. | ca | L'abrusament, centrat inicialment en la gènesi de l'epilèpsia, permet explicar també determinats trastorns mentals, com ara el trastorn per estrès posttraumàtic. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 2 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | kindling | es | equivalent | terme pral. | Model experimental segons el qual la repetida estimulaci?, elèctrica o qu?mica, de baixa intensitat de determinades zones del cervell pot provocar una sensibilitzaci? progressiva de l'estructura cerebral i generar convulsions i crisis comicials. | ca | L'abrusament, centrat inicialment en la gènesi de l'epilèpsia, permet explicar també determinats trastorns mentals, com ara el trastorn per estrès posttraumàtic. | ca | |
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia | Diccionari de psiquiatria | 2 | Funcionalisme ps?quic: conceptes generals i alteracions patol?giques | embrasement | fr | equivalent | terme pral. | Model experimental segons el qual la repetida estimulaci?, elèctrica o qu?mica, de baixa intensitat de determinades zones del cervell pot provocar una sensibilitzaci? progressiva de l'estructura cerebral i generar convulsions i crisis comicials. | ca | L'abrusament, centrat inicialment en la gènesi de l'epilèpsia, permet explicar també determinats trastorns mentals, com ara el trastorn per estrès posttraumàtic. | ca |