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Healthcare AI Platform of the Year

2019 AI Platform of the Year Award of John Snow Labs' Healthcare AI Platform

John Snow Labs wows in both proven customer success and verifiable  state-of-the-art technology making it a natural winner of  the highly competitive 2019 AI Platform of the Year Award.

Joe PhillipManaging Editor of CIO Applications
NLP & AI in Healthcare

Unify the Entire Healthcare AI Lifecycle

Life Sciences Data Catalog
Life Sciences Data Catalog
Open Source Ai Platform
Ingestion & Preparation
  • Scalable batch & streaming ingestion
  • Visual data flow editing and provenance
  • Monitor feed health in real time
  • Search metadata, lineage & stats
Artificial Intelligence Case Studies
Discovery & Visualization
  • Full-text, faceted & geospatial search
  • Real-time, drag & drop dashboards
  • Interactive time series analysis
  • Dataset ingestion & governance
  • Build, share & annotate dashboards
Enriched Healthcare Data
Model Productization
  • Auto-test & deploy machine learning
  • Reusable & versioned model store
  • PyTorch, TensorFlow, R, Spark, Scikit
  • Security, logging & rate limiting
Healthcare Data
  • Portal & Single Sign on
  • Container Orchestration
  • Live Monitoring
  • Authentication, Authorization, Audit
Open Source Ai Platform
Modeling & Experimentation
  • Machine Learning & Data Mining
  • Train & debug on CPU’s & GPU’s
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Performant machine learning at scale

John Snow Labs assembled a multi-continent team of big data experts that allowed within three months, faster than we thought possible, to build several significant components that are providing real value to our customers.

Chris JonesPrincipal Engineer at Usermind

John Snow Labs provided professional and friendly service to us as well as thorough analysis of complex data. Where relevant, I think they could contribute positively to future projects. I would recommend them for their availability, personal service and commitment and enthusiasm for the projects they assist.

Anna KyddSHM Foundation Director
Artificial Intelligence In Service

The World’s Toughest Healthcare AI Platform

Security & Privacy
  • Air-Gap: runs without Internet access
  • Nothing gets sent to any third party
  • No data, models, or code leave the cluster
  • All compute & storage done on the cluster
  • Central identity management and Single Sign-on
  • LDAP & AD integration
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Role-Based Access Controls
  • Password Strength Controls
  • Brute-Force & Spoofing Attack Controls
Healthcare Data Market

Runs business critical services for some of the world’s largest Healthcare providers and Pharma companies

Artificial Intelligence In Medical Field

How John Snow Labs helped Kaiser Permanente to improve Patient Flow Forecasting

Get the case study

Cloud Benefits, Without the lock-in

AI Platform Architecture
Runs & Scales Anywhere
  • Kubernetes Based: Auto-deploy a full cluster
  • Run anywhere: AWS, Azure, On premise, or Hybrid
  • Elastic: Scale to 5,000 machine without downtime
  • Easily comply with data residency laws
  • Mix heterogenous compute & storage types
  • Allocate CPU’s & GPU’s to users & projects
Spark NLP
Fully Managed
  • Managed Spark & TensorFlow Runtimes
  • Managed data science notebooks & collaboration
  • Managed model deployment & serving API’s
  • Managed data integration pipelines
  • Managed exploration, visualization & dashboards
  • 360° monitoring and logging

Ready to Rock on Day One

Terminology Data Catalog
Spark NLP
Spark NLP
Spark NLP
Deploy Automatically

on any Kubernetes cluster, in the cloud or on-premise

Spark NLP
Support the full AI lifecycle

with tools built for the needs and best practices of each role

Spark NLP
Use Curated Healthcare Data

with access to 2,000+ medical terminologies, measures and databases

Spark NLP
Simplify DevOps & SecOps

by starting with over 100+ services, that play well together out of the box

Spark NLP
Air-Gap Security & Compliance

with security, privacy, compliance and operational excellence built in

Healthcare AI Software at a glance

Scale from
5 to 5,000
Machines without Downtime
Securely Integrated Services
Resolved Vulnerabilities

John Snow Labs delivered a whole new revenue stream for Usermind within three month

VP Product, Usermind