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In assigning ICD10-CM codes, Spark NLP for Healthcare achieved a 76% success rate, while GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 had overall accuracies of 26% and 36% respectively. Introduction In the healthcare industry,...

When most people think of natural language processing (NLP), voice assistants like Alexa and Siri come to mind. While human and machine interaction has come a long way, it’s just scratching...

We are very happy to announce NLU 1.1.2 has been released with the integration of 30+ models and pipelines Bengali Named Entity Recognition, Hindi Word Embeddings, and state-of-the-art transformer based...

The NLP Summit was an amazing experience for all of us but even more for all the many wonderful companies, Data Scientists, NLP practitioners, and students that participated in our...

Natural language processing is a key component in many data science systems that must understand or reason about text. Common use cases include question answering, paraphrasing or summarization, sentiment analysis,...