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New Spark OCR 3.12: Handwritten Text Recognition and Spark 3.2 support

This release comes with new models for Handwritten Text Recognition, Spark 3.2 support, bug fixes, and notebook examples.

Added to the ImageTextDetectorV2

  • New parameter ‘mergeIntersects’: merge bounding boxes corresponding to detected text regions, when multiple bounding boxes that belong to the same text line overlap.
  • New parameter ‘forceProcessing’: now you can force processing of the results to avoid repeating the computation of results in pipelines where the same results are consumed by different transformers.
  • New feature: sizeThreshold parameter sets the expected size for the recognized text. From now on, text size will be automatically detected when sizeThreshold is set to -1.

Added to the ImageToTextV2

  • New parameter ‘usePandasUdf’: support PandasUdf to allow batch processing internally.
  • New support for formatted output, and HOCR.




Support for Spark 3.2

  • We added support for the latest Spark version, check the installation instructions below. Improved documentation on the website.

New Models

  • ocr_small_printed: Text recognition small model for printed text based on ImageToTextV2
  • ocr_small_handwritten: Text recognition small model for handwritten text based on ImageToTextV2
  • ocr_base_handwritten: Text recognition base model for handwritten text based on ImageToTextV2

New notebooks

+ SparkOcrImageToTextV2OutputFormats.ipynb, different output formats for ImageToTextV2

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