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Healthcare NLP Blog

Using Healthcare NLP for Clinical Text Analytics in Contextual Assertion


This blog post explores using Healthcare NLP, a powerful NLP library, for clinical text analysis. It focuses on Contextual Assertion, which significantly boosts accuracy in identifying negation, possibility, and temporality...

EntityRulerInternal in Spark NLP extracts medical entities from text using regex patterns or exact matches defined in JSON or CSV files. With practical examples, this post explains how to set...

The RegexMatcherInternal class leverages the power of regular expressions to identify and associate specific patterns within text data with predefined entities, such as dates, SSNs, and email addresses. This method...

This blog post explores how John Snow Labs’ Healthcare NLP models are revolutionizing the extraction of critical insights on opioid use disorder. By utilizing advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques,...

This blog post explores how Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Knowledge Graphs (KG) revolutionize opioid research. By leveraging NLP to analyze vast amounts of unstructured medical data and using Knowledge...