Other Titles
- Quality Net End Stage Renal Disease
- Quality Net ESRD
- Quality Dialysis Facilities
- CMS Quality Improvement Program
- Dialysis Facility Compare
- Renal Disease Clinical Measures
- Quality Measures
- Renal Disease Clinical Measures
Dialysis Facility Compare Data Package
This data package contains information about Dialysis Facility Compare. It comprises of data about ESRE QIP over Dialysis Adequacy, Hypercalcemia, National Healthcare Safety Network Dialysis Reporting, Total Performance Scores and Vascular Access PY 2017. It also includes data about ICH CAHPS Survey Reporting Payment Year 2017.
Useful for doctors, medical health planners, patients, dialysis centers, medical research groups and medical students.; Dialysis Facility Compare database is available on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website in raw form, whereas a JSL customer gets it in clean and normalized form ready to use and create his own custom reports.; Easy to comprehend for the customers who are unfamiliar with the medical terminologies as all abbreviated terms are replaced with full form, unlike Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) original datasets which have many abbreviations.; Recent dataset for 2018 is available for use.
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